Erdut Published 17/06/2022


Near the confluence of two great European rivers, the Drava and the Danube, where vineyards seem to emerge from the water, the medieval town of Erdut has guarded the approaches to Central Europe for centuries.

If you start from Osijek downstream of the Drava, you will first stop in the village of Aljmaš, which means "apple" in Hungarian. In the center of the village is the Marian shrine of the Mother of God of Refuge, and not far from the village is the aforementioned river mouth. The path will take you on a panoramic road and the top of a small hill through orchards and vineyards.

In Erdut, visit the Erdut Vineyards winery, which houses one of the largest wine barrels in use in Europe, with a volume of 75,000 liters, built from Slavonian oak.

At the end of this trip, visit the nearby village of Dalj, and after visiting the birthplace of the world-famous climatologist Milutin Milanković, treat yourself to dinner in a restaurant on the banks of the Danube.

Erdut Municipality Tourist Board: