Are you a city guy? Come to the vineyard! Published 09/06/2022

Are you a city guy? Come to the vineyard!

We in Slavonia know very well what kind of facilities truly cosmopolitan travelers, trendsetters and lovers of top urban experiences enjoy. Countless wide, airy alleys, symmetrically arranged as far as the eye can see. Light that refracts at thousands of angles. On both sides of the walkway you walk on, there are green facades - because every true metropolis is environmentally conscious. And only the windows and the models in them - what colors and overflowing patterns, what harmony of shapes, what magic smells in the air. In short, that's how every real metropolis is, and especially - Vineyard of Slavonia-Baranja.

All kidding aside, if you give us another minute or two of your attention, you'll discover a top wine destination close at hand, and we'd say – which is not insignificant in these difficult times – and your wallet. The vineyards of Slavonia-Baranja and their wineries are places with a centuries-old winemaking tradition. That is why today, even the most demanding visitor can offer a wine-gastronomic experience equal to the experiences of the most famous domestic and foreign wineries. Who wouldn't taste aged mass wines (and the spirituality that accompanies them) in the three-century-old winery in Đakovo? A noble Baranja drop from half a millennium old, in what is also the largest Croatian historical wine cellar in Kneževi Vinogradi (its modern version and the viewpoint above it are equally fascinating)? Sun-burnt wines from the Danube, grown on the Erdut plateau, a micro-location that annually absorbs the same number of sunny hours as the Adriatic islands? Don't forget Feričanci, a small kingdom of black varieties at the foot of the slopes of Krndije. Nevertheless, the Romans came to the conclusion that drinking red wine is in vino veritas...

If so, why resist and what to wait for? From east to west, from famous large cellars to small boutique wineries, Slavonia and Baranja beckon with the atmosphere of a hidden wine Eldorado. Discover it and come!
