Upcoming events…
If you are wondering when is the best time to travel to Slavonia and Baranja or, more specifically, when the most popular events are taking place, which you should not miss, the answer, although it seems general, is actually very specific: you are always welcome!
Because there are really plenty of events throughout the year for everyone. If your “heart beats” with Slavonian tradition or you prefer urban sounds, cultural and theater events, if you are looking for nature, sports and recreation, or if you are a lover of local gastronomy, and you feel like a bit of a wine connoisseur or at least an enthusiast, then in the list of events in the coming months you will find more reasons to visit Osijek-Baranja County!
To find out which event you want to visit, see the list of events below, and for more information about the program click the link and find the festival you like!
8.-10.11., 28. Memorijal “Franjo Krežma”, classical music, Osijek www.glazbenamladezosijek.weebly.com
8.-10.11., Days of Wild in Zlatna Greda, local gastronomy, Baranja www.hrsume.hr/turizam/dani-divljaci
9.11., Traditional arts and crafts market, Beli Manastir (Baranja), www.tzbaranje.hr
9.11., Vina Erdut Wine & Walk 2024, outdoor and wine, www.erdutski-vinogradi.hr
9.11., Kopački rit trail 2024, race, Park prirode Kopački rit, Baranja
30.11., Advent in Baranja: Winter market and “Čvarakfest”, local crafts and gastronomy, Karanac (Baranja) www.tzbaranje.hr
28.-29.11., Green Matrix Summit, green and digital transformation of the economy, Osijek, www.gospodarskicentarobz.hr
30.11.-31.12., Advent in Đakovo, Christmas market, www.visitdjakovo.com
30.11.-31.12., Advent in Valpovo, Christmas market, www.tz.valpovo.hr
7.12., Antiques market, Osijek www.tzosijek.hr
7.12. Podunavlje trail 2024, race, Aljmaš/Dalj Planina, www.facebook.com/zuti.sesir
14.12., Christmas lipizzaner ball, Đakovo www.ergela-djakovo.hr
1.12.-31.12., Advent and Christmas markets: Osijek, Baranja, Đakovo, Valpovo, Belišće, Donji Miholjac, Našice…