Let’s hike (or quad) in Wild Baranja! by Golden Slavonia Travel
Wild Baranja is our favorite getaway place! The only hill in the region is densely covered with vineyards. No matter if you choose your...
Pročitaj višeAre you thinking about an unexpected journey that starts right around the corner? Allow us to introduce you to the Croatia completely different than what you expect. HeadOnEast (of) Croatia and let yourself be pampered by the best hosts Croatia can offer!
Slavonia and Baranja is an undiscovered destination at the very east of the country that offer completely different experience of Croatia and a very authentic one. It is a multicultural Danube region bordering Hungary and Serbia, known for great hospitality reflected in warm and sincere welcome, well preserved rural architecture and ecosystem. Here you will also find the largest wine cellar and the largest vineyard, the biggest barrel in use…but also top boutique wineries and unforgettable sights and aromas. Here wine and authentic cuisine lovers will find their heaven!
Visit Osijek – the center of Slavonia and Baranja! It is one of those towns that are for a reason considered to be suited to people, especially if you consider yourself a family type of person. There are truly numerous reasons that make this city special. Nor too big, nor too small, university center, rich with social and cultural events, airy and surrounded with natural beauties. An ideal spot for digital nomad – offering number of co-working hubs, diverse accommodation and great communication infrastructure. Bare in mind that Budapest, Zagreb and Belgrade airports are at 2-hour drive from here.
Tourism Board of Osijek-Baranja County is at your disposal for any information on co-working premises and any other question on your stay in the area – info@tzosbarzup.hr.
Our local business partners are also at your service:
Stjepana Radića 44
31000 Osijek
+385 98 474 373
~Where the Danube kisses the sky~
Franjevačka 12, Osijek
Tel: + 385 91 252 3834
One of the visiting digital nomads describes as a peaceful town offering serenity and security. Her experience says that “the city has infrastructure suitable for cyclists, is easy to go from one place to another and has an excellent public transport. There are no big crowds, but the city is alive, with an abundance of cultural programs and beautiful walking areas, nature, healthy food, gyms, low cost of living and a good “vibe”. Wi-Fi here is probably the best I used, including the US and the Netherlands.”
Here are some of the local experiences to be lived in this undiscovered part of Croatia offered by Golden Slavonia Travel and Maksi Tours.
Slavonija i Baranja – uživancija na dohvat ruke
Razmišljaš o pustolovini na dohvat ruke, o neočekivanom putovanju koje počinje iza ugla, o iskustvu za kakvim mnogi tragaju tisućama kilometara? Dopusti da te upoznamo s rješenjem svih putoholičarskih nedoumica! Kameru nećete gasiti. Ovdje se nalaze neke od posljednjih netaknutih močvara Europe, nepregledna žitna polja, bogati vinogradi te stoljetne hrastove šume.
Slavonci i Baranjci goste daruju najvrjednijim darovima – iskrenim osmijehom i rukama široko otvorenim u znak tople dobrodošlice. Dobrota i velikodušnost utkani su u svaki susret, a doživljaji započinju punom trpezom, preporukama za slobodno vrijeme i općenito savjetima o tome kako putovati regijom poput pravog hedonista. Domaćini ovdje postaju i ostaju prijatelji.
Posjeti Osijek – hedonističku metropolu istoka Hrvatske! Prostran između žitnih polja i rijeke Drave, bogat društvenim i kulturnim sadržajima, prozračan i okružen prirodnim ljepotama – grad po mjeri čovjeka. Idealan je centar za digitalnog nomada koji nude co-working prostore, šarolik smještaj i odlične komunikacijske mreže. Na udaljenosti od oko dva sata nalaze se i tri velike međunarodne zračne luke – u Zagrebu, Beogradu i Budimpešti.
Turistička zajednica Osječko-baranjske županije je na Vašem raspolaganju za sve dodatne informacije o co-working prostorima te sve ostale informacije na temu boravka u destinaciji putem emaila: info@tzosbarzup.hr.
Naši lokalni poslovni partneri će Vam također rado pružiti različite turističke usluge:
Stjepana Radića 44
31000 Osijek
+385 98 474 373
~Where the Danube kisses the sky~
Franjevačka 12, Osijek
Tel: + 385 91 252 3834
Jedna digitalna nomadkinja koja je odabrala Osijek kaže da bi “voljela ostati u Osijeku jer je miran gradić u kojem sam pronašla mir i sigurnost.….”grad ima infrastrukturu pogodnu za bicikliste, lako je kretati se po gradu i ima odličan javni prijevoz. Nema velikih gužvi, ali je grad živ, s obiljem kulture i ljepote, prirodom, zdravom hranom, teretanama, niskom cijenom življenja i dobrom “vibrom”. WiFi je ovdje, kaže, vjerojatno najbolji koji je koristila, uključujući SAD i Nizozemsku.”
U tekstu niže možete pronaći više o lokalnom iskustvu koje možete doživljeti u ovom dijelu Hrvatske koje nude Golden Slavonia Travel i Maksi Tours.
Wild Baranja is our favorite getaway place! The only hill in the region is densely covered with vineyards. No matter if you choose your...
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